Most of my friends and family are courteous - polite, respectful and considerate in manner.   They'll call or text to make sure it's okay to come over the house for a visit.

I like that.

What I don't like is strangers - canvassers coming to my door and these days those canvassers include political candidates.

Let me make it clear, I admire those who put their names on ballots whether it's for municipal, provincial or federal politics.  Generally speaking, these are people who are passionate about our quality of life and the policies that surround it.  

However, I don't want them knocking on my door to tell me about it.  When I'm at home I'm at home.  That's my space.  Knocking on my door in hopes of handing me your literature isn't going to win me over or change my mind.  I've already decided which candidate I'm voting for.

One of my friends suggests I put up a sign on the front door that reads, "No Solicitors".  But, you know, I shouldn't have to do that.  Should I?

So, unless you're a cute child in a costume and it's October 31st, I don't want you banging on my door.  Just leave your pamphlet in the mailbox and move along.  Please.