We dread Monday, tolerate Tuesday, look forward to Thursday because the next day is Friday.  We LOVE Saturday and enjoy Sunday.  What about Wednesday?

Well, it's "Hump Day."  We call it that because once we get over the hump we're on our way to the weekend.  But, did you know the stats show bosses and managers are most receptive to requests on Wednesdays?

It's also interesting to note, a cosmetic company once commissioned a study that concluded women look their oldest at 3:30 on Wednesday afternoons.  Seriously.

Did you know there's a British soccer team called "Wednesday"?  The Sheffield Wednesday.  They used to play all their homes games on, you guessed it, Wednesdays.

And, what's the deal with the way we spell Wednesday?  W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y.  We pronounce it like the N comes before the D but it doesn't.  It's no wonder why newcomers to our country have trouble learning English.

Happy Wednesday.