He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake.

He knows when you've been bad or good so be good, for goodness sake!

Oh, yes, Santa Claus is coming to town.  Remember when you were a kid?  You had to be on your best behaviour at this time of year because you faced the threat of Santa knowing you were bad and maybe he wouldn't stop at your place on Christmas Day.

It sounds to me like that message still gets delivered.  We talked to a number of local children at this year's Santa Claus Parade in Moose Jaw and when asked the question, "What's your favourite thing about Christmas," most of the kids said "Santa."

I clearly remember not getting enough rest at this time of year when I was a boy.  It was that line in the song, "He sees you when you're sleeping."  I didn't like that.

My mom always made sure I made a snack for Santa on Christmas Eve.  She told me by the time he got to our house he'd be thirsty for a cold beer.  She was right.  She always was.

I think Rudolph took total control of the sleigh after Santa's visit to our place.

Merry Christmas!