This year, The Moose Jaw Food Bank will participate in the Home Town Fair Parade with a new concept, collecting food items.

Summer is typically when they receive the least amount of donations. In order to combat their sparse shelves, they're asking spectators to bring donations to the parade for them to collect along the route. 

They are currently short on canned fruit, fruit cups, canned vegetables, crackers, pork and beans, hamburger helper and diapers size 4-6.

Assistant manager of the Food Bank, Deann Little expressed how grateful they are for any donations, "Even if it's five bags, or one hundred fifty bags, everything adds up. Every single can makes a difference to us, so we figured we'd try it and see how it works."  She also noted that monetary donations are welcome.

The Hometown Fair Parade will begin at 7:00 on Thursday, June 22nd.