We played Gowan this morning on 800 CHAB.  Every time I hear him sing I think back to a summer night in '87 when we promoted his show at Regina's Centre of the Arts.

We loaded up the CHAB van with a bunch of disc jockeys and enjoyed a great show.  We all had backstage passes so, away we went to meet Lawrence Gowan and his band after the concert.

Our leader was a radio star named Gord Fry - personality plus!  He said, "Follow me and look like you know where you're going."

We walked right past security, ignoring their request to stop.  We walked right into the band's dressing room.  They were still catching their breath and wiping the sweat from their rock 'n roll hair.  They were shocked to see us.  We rudely interrupted them.

Gord says, "Hey, Gowan, great show!  Oh, look, cold beer!  Oh, and cold cuts!"  He then proceeded to help himself and hand out ice cold beers to everyone in the room.

At first, Gowan seemed angry but it wasn't long before he was laughing with us and actually admiring our bravado.

Gowan seemingly enjoyed our company and posed for a photo with us.

And, I wonder, if he might still be telling this story.