Carnie's Comments


It's a weekly treat! It's time for Facebook Friday. I find the best from the best.

We'll start with a question, "Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?"

Here's a friend who says, "Netflix and cable have one more price increase before I dust off my DVD player."

This one, "Today we don't have any motivational quotes. If you want to give up, give up."

This gal I know shares, "Please be patient with me. I'm from the 90s."

I like this, "I just paid it backwards by telling the drive-thru lady that the person in the car behind me is paying for my stuff."

More questions, "Why is it called lukewarm? Like, why isn't it medium warm? Also, who is Luke?"

And we'll finish with this one, "Thought I'd be trendy and try one of these alternative milks. I don't know what a magnesia is but it made my Cocoa Puffs taste horrible."