Carnie's Comments

I wonder if I'm doing a disservice if I'm not talking about the novel Coronavirus in this segment.  So, here we are.

When this commentary aired this morning, I talked about the NBA suspending its schedule and the growing list of postponements, cancellations and actions being taken across the continent and around the world.As of this morning we, in Saskatchewan, had 204 people tested and 202 producing negative results. 

That has changed.  We now have one confirmed case in Saskatchewan.

The JUNO Awards, scheduled to begin tonight in Saskatoon...cancelled this morning after an emergency meeting.

Then we heard Prime Minister Trudeau has gone into self isolation.  This, after his wife returned from a trip showing symptoms.The National Hockey League has suspended its season and these announcements, these decisions, will continue to make news today and tomorrow and for days to come.

We're all being urged to protect ourselves and others. SaskHealth telling us to "model social distancing" by stopping the handshakes, the hugs and the kisses.  We need to follow proper hand and cough hygiene and if we have been in close contact with a confirmed case we need to isolate at home for 14 days.

And, if you do get sick, again, you're asked to self-isolate and seek advice on HealthLine 811 before visiting your doctor's office or any health care facility.