You may have noticed this week that there have been no COVD-19 self-monitor alerts. These alerts, which were normally released daily, included dates, communities, and business locations where exposure to COVID-19 could have occurred. As case numbers were growing in Saskatchewan these lists were getting considerably longer with each release. It with this in mind that the authority has opted to no longer publish the alerts.

"COVID-19 is ​​everywhere in Saskatchewan," The release announcing the end of the report states. "Saskatchewan’s medical health officers are asking all Saskatchewan residents to self-monitor for COVID symptoms, regardless of where you live in this province."

The move can be interpreted as symbolic of the pressures facing the health system in the province. As community spread of COVID-19 has jumped, so to have the number of cases with no known exposure point. COVID-19 is in our communities, we must simply endeavor to be careful.

Obviously, not all alerts will stop. COVID-19 PSA alerts will continue to be used when there is increased difficulty in reaching contacts of positive cases if there is a recognized increase risk to the public, and if the direction is needed for members of the public in attendance to immediately self-isolate as a result of this increased risk.

"Reasonable effort will be made to notify business and locations in advance," the release added. "That they will be named in these PSAs. However, this may not always be possible."