How's your bank account looking?  Did you save up for a summer vacation?

A recent summer survey from  found 41% of Canadians spend more money in the summer than during any other season and 19% of us "make a point to save during the first half of the year" so we can spend more in the summer.

You might know some people who work hard in the summer so they can kick back in the winter.  Well, interesting, only 22% of us say we use the money we make in the summer to sustain our lifestyle for the rest of the year.

What would you say will be your top purchases this summer?  Well, 29% say gas, travel and accomodations  while 26% say groceries, 24% say clothing, booze, gifts, beauty products and sporting activities and 21% say they'll spend the most on eating out and entertainment.

What do we take from these numbers?  I'd say most of us are planning to have a really great Canadian summer!