I knew it would happen.  It was like I put out the bait.  Devious?  Not really - more like curious.

I shared some beautiful photos on the CHAB Facebook page.  The photos were posted by city councillor Heather Eby - lovely shots of the skylight in council chambers.  I posted the photos with the hashtag:  LandofLivingSkies

And, it wasn't long before there was some belly-aching from locals who assumed it was new and wondered how much we paid for it.

"Looks nice - what was that bill?" one asked.

"Yup, waste more money for nothing," another wrote.

Councillor Eby was quick to respond with "It has always been there...Just was covered by ancient blinds...So there was no money "wasted".  The blinds were likely 30 years old," the councillor said.

You know, there's a word now for those who constantly criticize - an acronym, actually:  CAVE people we call them.  Citizens Against Virtually Everything.