She sent us a nice letter the other day - a long time, local and loyal listener she is. 

She included a gift in the package.  There are four of them, actually, lightly glued to a piece of paper.  And she wrote, "Remember these?" 

I sure do remember them.  They are the little inserts we used to put the 45 rpm records on the turntable.  They are 45 adapters or spindle adapters, also known as 7-inch adapters.  I did have to look that up.  I had forgotten what they're called. 

It reminded me of a time about 20 years ago when my father wanted his grandchildren to hear him singing when he was in his prime.  Oh, he could sing, and he recorded a couple of tracks on vinyl back in the day.  So, he took the records out to my sister's place where her five children would listen to their grandpa sing. 

They were excited.  My sister asked her oldest who was about 13 at the time, to go down to the laundry room and bring the record player upstairs. 

He was gone for quite a time, and everyone was getting impatient.  Then, he came upstairs and asked, "Mom, what is a record player?"