Canadians - you and me - are being asked to do our part to "flatten the curve" and assist in the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.

We're being asked to use "social distancing". Many are not heeding the call.

It's clear - if you choose to ignore the warnings, you're putting yourself and others at risk.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Trudeau said, "Enough is enough. Go home and stay home."

A number of locals are concerned about families - adults and children - congregating at local playgrounds. It's clear, that's not good. If you do that, you're a part of the problem.

SaskHealth is telling us, if you're healthy, "You may go outdoors - use your backyard, walk on your street and exercise outdoors - but only if you have no symptoms and can maintain the required social distance of two metres at all times."

And, if you are with "...even mild symptoms of a cough, you must self-isolate indoors to prevent the spread of COVID-19."

Spread the word - not the virus.