So, you're going to work towards making more money in 2017, right?  So, what's the secret?  How do you approach the people who can make that happen?


Well, you might start by looking in the mirror and by getting more sleep!


A new study which includes data from a fitness and sleep tracker company called Jawbone, concludes more sleeping time can translate into a higher salary.


The study also included subjects in various time zones.  In a nutshell, they found people who get one hour more in average weekly sleep increase their wages by 1.3% in the short term and as much as 5% long term.  


Now, here's the kicker, as far as I'm concerned.  The study also found that people who move to a location where the sunsets are an hour earlier,  make a an additional $1570 a year.


So, as I see it, we can chalk one up for you folks who are dead set against moving to Daylight Savings Time.