To be honest with you, I don't really care one way or the other but the debate is bringing out some passion in people.

It's the debate over the Lord's Prayer at Lindale School in Moose Jaw.


One local mother who doesn't like it came forward and now it's making news across the country.


We gathered reaction from a number of the people involved and I really do see both sides of the argument but it was reaction from a local member of the clergy I find most compelling.


Pastor Doug Shepherd wonders if our children find any meaning in the Lord's Prayer and if it should be "taught" instead of simply recited.


He also says, and I quote, "There are things we should be discussing that are far more important...Hunger in Moose Jaw provides about 350 lunches every day...what's the matter with the parents?  Teen pregnancies, family violence, family break-up...all of these things go by the boards as we take our time to discuss the Lord's Prayer.  It should not be that big an issue."


Thank you, Pastor Shepherd.