It's Friday!  Facebook Friday!  I find the funnies from the funny people and share them with you. 

This local character shares;  "I have no idea what's open anymore.  I just walk towards automatic doors and if my face hits the glass I just turn around and go home. 

That same guy with another post;  "I don't care how many kids we have, I ain't buying no van.  Somebody just can't go." 

This guy shares, "My buddy says he doesn't know what cloning is.  I said, 'That makes two of us'." 

Here's one from an outspoken individual I follow;  "If you find me offensive, I'd suggest you quit finding me." 

That same gal writes, "If you can't be kind, just be quiet." 

I like this one;  "I want to lose weight but I don't want to get caught up in one of those eat right and exercise scams." 

And, on a related note, one more;  "The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then your body and your fat are really good friends."