Freedom. Lifestyle. Untamed wilderness and modern city life.  We have all that and more.  There are so many reasons to be proud to be Canadian.  I was born and raised in this beautiful country and there was a time I could have been described as entitled.  That changed.

It was about 12 years ago now that I worked with a couple of people from war-torn, south eastern Europe.  They made their way to Canada with a large family in need of assistance.  The Moose Jaw Multicultural Council was here for them.  I helped the mother and father with their citizenship studies.  They passed their tests and qualified to become Canadian citizens.

They invited me to the ceremonies where I met their children.  I saw the fear and the hope in their eyes. They treated their new friends and fellow Canadians to a wonderful celebration.  They were so proud to be Canadian and so grateful to get a shot at life in a peaceful, free country.

Those people are now thriving in our community.  They work, live and play.  They're raising children and contributing.

In fact, some of the boys just helped make Canada Day fireworks a reality for Moose Jaw.  Huseini's Concrete & Paving Ltd. contributed $1000.00.  I just thought you should know. 

Happy Canada Day.