It's the show before the show. Once again this year Telemiracle will be streaming a pre-show on their website.

Susan Colbow, public relations for Telemiracle 44, explains why they have a pre-show.

"We did it so that we could bring more Sask talent on to the show because there is so much talent in Saskatchewan and we just want people to see and know it, there's only so many parts on the main show so we thought 'hey, a lot of kids stream and stuff nowadays' so we thought we should do these pre-shows."

The pre-show first took place during Telemiracle 42. Colbow said it was a special year for her.

"That was the year that I was Telemiracle Chair, it raised $7 million dollars, but we're going to raise more this year so I'm excited to see what we can do this year. We appreciate everything that people donate to us so we're excited to get this show on the road and see what this is going to do for us this year."

The Telemiracle pre-show kicks off at 6:15 pm on March 7th and runs until 8:45. The event itself will run from 9 pm March 7 to 5 pm the next day, making for 20 hours of fundraising. Colbow says while the 20 hours do get tiring, it makes for a great finish.

"You just have to be there and feel the enthusiasm from everybody. Its 20 hours, people have no or not very much sleep, it's just exciting."