Saskatchewan Polytechnic has released a brand new 5-year strategic plan which intends to prepare students for the ever-changing modern world.

Titled "Leading the Rise," the new plan seeks to further establish the importance of applied education in Canada. The foundation of the plan is a Cree phrase, "miyo wahtohkohwin," which stresses the value of positivity and good relationships, something that the institute will strive to engender in all their policies.

Dr. Larry Rosia is the President and CEO of Saskatchewan Polytechnic. He explains the vision and scope of the new plan.

"It's all about empowering learners and employers with the advantages of polytechnic education. By doing so and empowering learners to realize their goals, we can create a better Saskatchewan - and ultimately - a better world."

The plan promises a new, innovative model of higher education that addresses the skills that students will need in the shifting economy. Rosia says that applied education is more important now than ever.

"We're living in the fourth industrial revolution our whole environment is changing. Technology, demographics, new economic models. We're seeing people in their late twenties who had jobs but those jobs were disrupted by all these changes. So, we'll need to retrain these people and upgrade their skills so they can return to the workforce."

Over the next five years, Saskatchewan Polytechnic will also work to create a more inclusive, collaborative, and respectful environment where everyone can thrive and lift each other up.