High school can be a tough time for kids, with the pressure of having to do well in class, trying to make new friends, and looking to be included in some way.

High school plays and musicals are one great way for students to feel involved, or to help them get over the anxiety that comes along with school.

Former Peacock Collegiate teacher, Lyle Johnson, explains how being in a school performance can be beneficial for a kid:

"It helps kids deal with anxiety. When you get out on stage in front of 500 or 1000 people and you're standing out there by yourself, or working with your team to have success - it's great for your soul."

Johnson added that it's also a great way to make new friends.

"It's a great socialization activity. There's a lot of angst kids can develop with not fitting in in school, but when you get involved with a play and are able to participate, it makes you feel a lot better about life."

High school musical season is coming to a close this weekend as Peacock will be debuting its production of Anne of Green Gables tonight.

Peacock will be starting shows Thursday and has performances running until Saturday.