Since the confirmation of the West Nile Virus from a mosquito pool in the Five Hills Health Region, people are wondering how they can combat the blood suckers until the first frost comes.

Using repellent and wearing long sleeves and pants are the best way individuals can protect themselves against mosquitoes, but when it comes to your yard and home, Moose Jaw City Parks Gardener Sarah Regent says there's some more things people can do.

"Something that the City really encourages is looking for any standing water that you might have around your property. Two common ones that people don't always think about is their bird baths and their rain barrels. So those should be treated with dish soap,... or cleaned out regularly".

Taking it a step further, Regent says helping natural predators might also be something to consider.

"(Building houses for) things like purple martins,... (and) our friends the bats, which most people don't think about because they're only out at night, but they can be very voracious mosquito hunters".

Designs and plans for the two homes can easily be found at online sites or at the Moose Jaw Public Library.

Regent added that the City also treats standing water once a week for mosquito larva to help slow the population, but unfortunately not much can be done about the adults, aside from general protection.