
Chief Radiologist Dr. Awie DuToit (standing) demonstrates the new Picture Archiving and Communication System at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital.


Life for staff at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital has been a bit easier over the last six months thanks to a new digital imaging system called the Picture Archiving and Communication System.

The Union Hospital along with hospitals in Prince Albert, Lloydminister, North Battleford, Swift Current and Saskatoon are the first in the province to have this system which allows for easy storage, retrieval and display of diagnostic images such as X-rays and CT scans.

Chief Radiologist at the Union Hospital Dr. Awie DuToit says the system has allowed him to do so much more, "my work flow is so much improved.  I can do many more cases a day because I don't have to handle film anymore, I just click the button and once I click the button the images appear on the monitor."

DuToit adds that while he's on call at all times of the day, he can now access urgent after hours cases from home and have a diagnosis ready in 10 minutes, where before he wouldn't have even been at the hospital yet.

In addition to physicians in Moose Jaw being able to access the diagnostic images, so to will doctors at other hospitals in the province.

That has led to a question of security and privacy, something DuToit doesn't think will be a problem, "We have able three levels of security to pass before we can access the system.  I have not had one incident of a breach of confidentiality in the six months we've used it.  I've lost my password at a time, I forgot it, and it was impossible to access it."