With the temperatures being as cold as they are, it's never been more important to stay warm if you're working outside.

With temperatures hovering around -20, it's important to bundle up.

We stopped by the Moose Jaw Co-op to talk Gord Noble who is a gas bar attendant, about working outside in the cold.

"The most important thing that we find here is to dress appropriately. If it's cold out dress in layers, stay warm, keep as much exposed skin covered as possible, and take a break and come inside every chance you get."

Noble also commented on improper clothing.

"We see people outside every day that are cold because they haven't dressed warmly, they're out there in bunny hugs, sweatshirts, and they have no heavy winter clothing on. So just make sure you dress warmly. It's always better to have too much on rather than not enough."

Noble added that he's had close calls with frostbite, but covering exposed skin and trying to not stay outside any longer than you have to reduces your risk.

READ MORE: Extreme Cold In Southern Saskatchewan, How To Stay Warm