Home school teaching can vary from home to home - from a hardcore curriculum and staying to a book, to a more eclectic or a creative approach. But what is it like at the end of the year?

Depending on the household, they won't exactly hold a large celebration. Some parents, like Laressa Marengere in Tuxford, will take their kids on trips throughout the year to learn more about what's in the lessons, which is why they don't hold a larger celebration.

Right now Marengere's oldest child is in Grade 3, moving into Grade 4 next year. When she travels with her kids, all of whom are home schooled, she involves education whenever she can.

The Salsman family working on one of their year end project, a giant paper mache volcano.

For her, celebrations usually come after one of her kids completes a course. For example, her pre-schooler learned how to count to 10 and she decided to congratulate that accomplishment with ice cream.

As for a possible farewell celebration for Grade 8, she thinks she'll follow through with something.

"I haven't given it a whole lot of thought, we probably will," Marengere said. "But yeah, we're kind of just in our fourth year or so right now of formally doing it."

Finishing Grade 8 and moving into the high school curriculum is important, but what about finishing high school altogether?

Dawn Salsman home schools her kids here in Moose Jaw. Her daughter Nicole will be heading into Grade 12 when they begin their next semester.

Usually, their year end consists of the family working on a project together or planning a family trip, but Salsman has been giving her daughter the 'senior' experience.

"We kind of already did a big graduating trip because she went to New York and that was kind of mine and her's senior trip," Salsman said."As far as if we'll do more, knowing me I probably will but we still have a year to decide that. We haven't really gone there yet."

As for her, she doesn't believe their Grade 8 celebrations will be too large either.

"I can't say that we'd do a bigger one for grade 8, I actually haven't done a Grade 8 year but I'm not really sure how that would look for us. We're only on our third year and one of them is already in high school and the other one's in Grade 7 currently so we haven't really hit that Grade 8 year yet."

While neither of them is too solidified in their plans yet, they continue to support their kids in home school and celebrate their accomplishments with them when they can.