While winter can be treacherous for the city's unhoused population, summer also presents its own challenges.

Jody Oakes is manager of justice programming and branch services at the John Howard Society.

"Lots of times we think of people who are unhoused in the winter. We think minus 40 is very, very cold and it is and it's dangerous but plus 40 is also very, very hot and can be dangerous. If somebody doesn't have a place to get into or access to water to stay hydrated, cool clothing, it's definitely an issue. Definitely, summer can be just as extreme as winter. We want to make sure that we can try and make sure that our people are as OK as they can be and just try and be comfortable, try and find some shade. Try and find that water and try and get out of the elements just like winter."

Oakes says there aren't a lot of indoor places that people can go to cool off during the hot summer months.

"A lot of people will just try and go and try and find someplace that they can stay cool. Whether that be in the park in some shade or under a tree somewhere. Just somewhere where they can try and stay cool. There's not a lot of places where they can go in and spend some time and stay cool."

Square One is in the process of opening up a warming/cooling centre in William Milne Place (old firehall) located at 132 Fairford St W in downtown Moose Jaw.