The new general manager with Square One Community Inc. Moose Jaw is settling nicely into her new role.

Cheantelle Fisher has been on the job since the beginning of May.

"It's been fantastic, we've been making a lot of connections," she said. "We've been familiarizing ourselves with our new location and our space. Reaching out to community partners. Making action plans, getting together with the community to find out the need, so that we can implement that in the very near future."

Square One is establishing an emergency women's shelter and warming/cooling centre in the old firehall, which is now known as William Milne Place.

"We're looking right now to access bigger blocks of funding," continued Fisher. "The cost to have a bed in a shelter space is actually quite high and there are a lot of small details that I think maybe folks don't consider when they think of a shelter space. Can folks wash their clothes? Can they have a shower? Do we have soaps and snacks and an activity for them to do in the evening? Blankets? Pillows? Things like that. The logistics are quite grand. So being able to bring in that funding to support the beds is where I'm at right now."

William Milne PlaceWilliam Milne Place

With the current layout, the shelter is able to safely fit nine beds into the space, but Fisher is hoping to add a few more if they are able to do so.

"I would love to see it open tomorrow," she commented. "Realistically, I need to wait for funding to start coming in that I've applied for and within the next three to four weeks I would like to see that being actioned."

Fisher notes they are currently offering a feast program during weekends and statutory holidays. She has about 35 volunteers that she's able to draw from for the program. Square One will also be looking for volunteers for its knowledge centre and shelter as they open in the near future.