The Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs conference on Saturday had keynote speaker Dave Sanderson.
Sanderson is a motivational speaker, author and also a survivor of the Hudson River plane crash that took place in 2009.

"The main message of my talk right now is about how all the moments in your life happen for a reason or purpose and they do serve you. What I realized that day all these moments I had in my life were there because they were preparing me for what was going to take place."

Sanderson is also the author of the book 'Moments Matter' in which he details his near-death experience on the Hudson River.

Sanderson noted why he enjoys speaking to first responders like firefighters and detailing for them the significant role they play. "They serve, they're focused on serving... I've seen them in action, they go into the middle of it so I want to say thank you to them and sort of give them my story so they know from this perspective that what they're doing is important."

Sanderson has spoken all over the globe and has hopes of making it to every province in Canada.