With another heatwave settling in for a few days, we're once again being reminded that if it's too hot to stay outside, it's too hot for our pets.

Executive Director of the Moose Jaw Humane Society, Dana Haukaas.

"You should walk your dog in the early morning or in the later evening, and it's ok if your dog misses a walk if it's super-hot. You could offer them a swimming pool to have a little dip in to cool off outside, but if your dog is overheated you should never spray them with very cold water, that could cause a shock to their system."

While it may be tempting as well to take the pooch out for a cruise if you're going to run some errands, Haukaas says that is definitely a no-no.

"We are getting calls of people concerned about dogs being left in cars, and even if you intend to just be a couple of minutes, you never know what the lineup is going to be like or if you're going to run into a friend, so it's just best to leave them at home."

Signs that you can look for if you think your pet is overheating, is if they begin to pant anxiously like they can't recover from it. It is recommended that if you are worried about your pet getting too much sun and you aren't sure what to do, that you call the Humane Society.

Another way to keep them cool is to make sure you change the water in their water dish regularly and even add some ice cubes.

Having your dog well-groomed can also play a role in keeping your dog cool. Double-coated breeds such as Shepherds and Retrievers have undercoats that, if they aren't brushed out, can heat up.