Perhaps you've seen it posted on social media.  It's a meme that reads:  "I'm glad I learned about parallelograms in high school math instead of how to do my taxes.  It comes in so handy during parallelogram season."

I don't think that meme was the inspiration but, the local Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with the Prairie South School Division and Conexus, presenting a program called "Reality Check".  It's for local grade 9 students.

Volunteers from the community will assist in teaching our youngsters about finances.  The kids will get a virtual job and an annual household salary.  They'll make budgets for their housing, transportation, clothing, insurance, child care and more.

The goal is to give the young students an understanding of how their parents live life on a day-to-day basis, delivering some real-world experience and a frame of reference to refer to when it comes time for them to make a living and get by on a budget.

This is "of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas".

Yes, the very definition of practical.