It was a major problem that shut down the Kinsmen Sportsplex Pool for a significant amount of time. It had experts stumped and local staff wondering if the pool would ever re-open.  Thanks to some consultants and an extensive review, a solution was found. But now, the permanent fix is going to cost even more money than first thought.

"The upgrades include the installation of pool equipment and controllers that will improve the overall water and air quality and improve the operating efficiency for all three pools at the Sportsplex." explained Parks and Recreation Director Jody Hauta.

Right now the process at the pool is manual and takes quite some time to complete each day.  The new system is automatic and will eliminate the wild swings in chemical concentration that can come from manual treatment a few times a day.  The automated system makes continuous adjustments and has better control of the water quality.

The weak Canadian dollar likely impacted the costs for parts, bringing the project in at more than $8600 over budget. The work is now going to cost about $100,000 to complete.