Bike Safety Week wrapped up just before the May long weekend.

Local schools and organizations spent the past five days participating in bike rodeos to make sure everyone is being safe - hosted by the Moose Jaw Police Service with the help of SGI. 

The final event of the week began with a presentation from Constable Kyle Cunningham with the Moose Jaw Police Service at St. Mary Elementary School. 

"Our Constable Cunningham, he put an egg in this fake rubber head and he dropped it," said Grade 3 student, Kaidyn Stinson. 

The officer let students drop the rubber head with a helmet on and without, to show students the importance of safety gear and how it will protect us, which is something that resonated with Stinson and his classmates. 

"You get scrapes on your knees and elbows; those will heal fast," added Stinson. "If you get damage on your brain, that won't heal so fast."

Constable Cunningham noted that it's all about making kids aware of the purpose of a helmet and making sure it's secure before you go out riding your bike, scooter or skateboard.

"A kid gets a scratch on an elbow or a knee, that'll heal up... you talk about brain injuries, those are serious deals. We want to make sure the kids are cautious and have all the tools they need to keep themselves safe." 

You may remember earlier this week that Council approved a vote to put forth a bylaw that would see it mandatory for children 16 and under to wear a helmet while out on a non-motorized means of transportation. 

Young Stinson said it's important that we have laws like this, "yes, I totally agree with that. That's a perfect rule for Moose Jaw, so kids can be a little safer."