Do you have proper manners?  Is your behavior acceptable, generally speaking?

Now, what about when it comes to texting and social media?  

The new age has changed us as a society.  Remember when we were younger and we'd get excited when the telephone was ringing?  Who could it be?  Who might they want to talk to?  There was that moment of anticipation and you wanted that call to be for you.  These days when my cel phone rings I wonder, "Why are they calling?  Could they not just send me a text?"

Speaking of texting, the new smart phones have a feature that let you know if your intended recipient has seen the text.  I find that invasive because I may not want to reply.  I don't want the person texting me to know I've seen their text.

It all reminds me of a story I heard about a mom and dad at the supper table.  They finally decided to eat after waiting for their teenagers to come home to eat.  They weren't returning texts and they weren't answering their phones.  And the dad says, "Remember when we used to leave each other notes on the fridge?"