We knew it was coming.  The forecast was accurate.  And, so was a prediction from one of the characters I follow on social media.  He wrote, "Brace yourself, Facebook.  Pictures of snow are coming."  

While many complain about the spring snow storm we experienced on the weekend, others are celebrating.

A farmer friend of mine near Gravelbourg is on Twitter with a photo of piles of snow along his driveway.  He writes, "There is an incredible amount of moisture out there!  That's far and away the heaviest and wettest snow I've shoveled!  #RightonTime"

Another local area farmer posted a picture of the snow drifts in his yard and wrote, "Snow so heavy...banks higher than the hood of my truck.  The moisture was desperately needed."

You know, back when winter first arrived and I took a look at the forecast in The Old Farmer's Almanac, I was alarmed to find them predicting a snow storm in late April.  It turns out, we needed it.