In 1922, the National Fire Protection Association established Fire Prevention Week to spread awareness for fire safety. 

This year, Fire Prevention Week turns 100 years old, and residents are advised to plan their escapes in case of a fire. 

“The theme for this year is ‘fire won’t wait, plan your escape’,” says Public Education Officer at the MJFD, Cathie Bassett.  

“Fire is fast... Depending on the contents in your home, you may have as little as two minutes to get out, so it's very important that you have an escape plan.” 

Bassett also shared the importance of smoke alarms and preparing homes for the winter. 

“We encourage people to have working smoke alarms in every bedroom, and I can’t stress that enough. Those first two minutes are on you... safety is a shared commitment. We get there when we get there, but if you don’t have the right safety tools in those few minutes, it could be very scary for you.” 

“I want everybody to remember to do their pre-winter preparation (as well),” added Bassett. 

“Check your furnace, change furnace filters, make sure all your ductwork is unclogged, or anything that can cause carbon monoxide to come back in the house... All of those things are good practices to get into every fall.” 

Residents are also advised to duck below the smoke while escaping, never re-enter a building that’s on fire, stay in the kitchen while cooking, and find a meeting place outside in the event of a fire. 

Students around Moose Jaw will get a chance to learn more on October 12 and 14, as the MJFD is holding an open house for 600 students to learn about fire safety. The open house is invite-only, and the schools have already RSVP'd. 

For more safety tips and information, visit the NFPA website