It's Facebook Friday.

It's my treat for those of you who can't be bothered.  You're missing some good stuff.

My friend Paul, a Canadian boy who lives in Texas, posting this:  Just so we are clear...the NHL team with the most Canadian born players wins the Stanley Cup and the only Canadian team in the NBA just won the NBA championship...Put that in your pipe and smoke it, eh."

Here's a funny guy I follow who says, "Too bad you can't get abs from laughing at your own jokes.  I'd be ripped!"

This local gal says, "What a strange day.  First, I found a hat full of money and then I was chased by some angry guy with a guitar."

And, a couple from one of my favourite Facebookers.  She writes, "I talk an awful lot of smack for someone who tips over when putting on their underwear."

And, one more...she says, "If you don't fit in, you're probably doing the right thing."

Happy Friday.