Ontario Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis is throwing her hat in the ring to be the next leader of the Conservative Party. 

She visited Moose Jaw on Monday for her cross-country campaign tour. 

Over 50 people came to see and meet Lewis at the Wildlife Federation building. 

She spoke about many issues and goals she has but the encompassing theme of her visit was uniting a divided nation. 

"When you look at the social fabric of our society, we see it being torn apart. We see parents not talking to children, neighbours not talking to each other, even in churches people aren't talking to each other because of vaccination status. And we have a Prime Minister that has used the COVID pandemic to create fear and to divide people," says Lewis. 

In her opening remarks, she said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's response and actions during the 'Freedom Convoy' in Ottawa are examples of what a leader shouldn't do. She goes on to say that the people deserve better and that the people have lost their power and they need to have it back. 

She also stated that amid the deal between the Liberal party and the NDP, the only way for the Conservative Party can take over the government is with a majority vote in the next election. 

Lewis was asked a wide-ranging variety of questions from locals who attended the event, like what she plans to do about the global agenda with the new world order. 

She replied, "I've been waiting for people to wake up and recognize what's happening to our country."

She continued to say that she plans to opt Canada out of participating in any global agendas. 

Lewis was also asked about current abortion laws and euthanasia. She stated that she is pro-life and she plans to put a parental rights bill in place that allows families to counsel their children/teenagers and it'll include a requirement for parental permission when it comes to abortion and euthanasia. This bill is one of four bills regarding abortion and euthanasia that Lewis wants to implement but she didn't go into detail about the other three bills.

The Main Stream Media (MSM) was also a topic of discussion during the question period of the event. Lewis agrees that MSM is acting as a right arm for the Liberal government and she believes that the CBC is a main contender. Her solution to deal with 'fake news' and MSM would be to defund MSM outlets. 

Lewis is now on her way to several other communities across western Canada such as Swift Current and Lethbridge. She will then travel across eastern Canada after finishing up the western side of her tour in B.C.

You can listen to Lewis' full speech and answers to these questions below.