The 10th annual Charity Farmers Market took place Saturday to raise funds for local groups.

A total of $3,500 was raised at the event. Half will go to the community gardens and the other half will be split between Riverside Mission and Hunger in Moose Jaw.

With an estimated 500 people in attendance, organizers were thrilled. 

"We just want to thank the community for their support and to see the comradery between the gardeners and the community members was just wonderful," expressed Yara Community Gardens Program Coordinator Jeremy Zacharias. "So we want to thank all of the community for coming out and supporting us. We wish you all the best and hope to see you September 9th for the next market."

The money raised for the gardens will go towards repairs, the building of an additional garden, and helping start up other local gardens.

If you missed this market, the gardens still have events coming up, like their second market on September 9th and a pumpkin harvest on September 30th and they invite you to tour their gardens during those times.