Carnie's Comments


It's time for the best from the best on Twitter Tuesday!

Here's one from yesterday during the solar eclipse, "If the sun can black out on a Monday afternoon, I should get to do the same."

Here's a guy who goes by "Uncle Bob" who says, "Not to brag but I already have most of my Christmas decorations put away."

This funny fella Tweets, "There are no pickles involved in the game of pickleball. To say I'm extremely disappointed is an understatement."

I like this, "Nobody cares that you went to the gym. We care that you went to the bakery."

Can you relate? "My secret talent is saying 'Ohhhhh' when I have no idea what you're talking about."

Here's a working man who shares, "Field trips are wasted on kids. Imagine getting a whole day off work AND learning all about how an old watermill works."

And one more, "I'm going to see my bank manager to discuss an idea I have to open a chain of 'Elvis' themed steak houses. It'll be for people who love meat tender."