Carnie's Comments


It's time for the best from the best on the world's most popular social media channel. It's Facebook Friday!

Some advice from a mom I follow, "If the toilets in your house are occupied and you're waiting for one, just turn off the WiFi."

This one, "Elementary kids today have iPhones. When I was their age I used to spread glue on my hands, wait for it to dry and peel it off."

Just in time for Friday night, here's a friend who says, "Sorry I can't make it to your party tonight. I have to get up really early tomorrow afternoon."

Here's an aging friend who shares, "You know, in just 6 years, 1980 will be 50 years ago."

I like this, "Workers at the drive-thru act like sauces come out of their wages. Like, just throw 5 in the bag and behave."

This funny gal I follow says, "When I say I'm going to call you later I mean later in life...not today!"

And one more from a friend I can almost always count on for a laugh, "I'm the human version of a hail-damaged car. Functional yet embarrassing."