Carnie's Comments


Time again for Twitter Tuesday!

We'll start with one you might relate to, "Are people actually comfortable when they sleep?  I just rotate like a rotisserie chicken until I get into the position I can ignore the pain in the most."

This guy Tweets, "If my wife doesn't want me eating all of the Halloween candy she's going to have to find a better hiding spot than somewhere in the house."

On a related note, this one, "Did you know you can just buy bags of Halloween candy with no intentions of giving any to trick or treaters?  All the candy, all for you and it's totally legal."

Here's a dad I follow who shares, "Parenting is a delicate balancing act where you need to teach your kids numbers but not well enough that they're able to tell the time when you send them to bed early."

Here's a single woman I follow who Tweets, "One of my friends just bought a house and another just got married.  I'm over here eating dinner over the kitchen sink so I don't have to do dishes."

And, one more, "Today, I will live in the moment.  Unless that moment becomes unpleasant, in which case I'll take a nap."