It was truly a Canadian controversy...not exactly a national debate but it could only happen in Canada. 

Just recently, on their social media feed, local restaurant Hopkins Dining Parlour invited locals in for what they called "authentic Calico Junction Poutine".   

You see, Calico Junction just closed this spring and local diners are missing the dish.  Clever marketing?  Not so fast. 

One of the owners of Calico responded, writing "We have not sold, given or shared our recipe with anyone!  That being said, we do not know what the other poutine is like, it may be very good.  But it is NOT authentic Calico." 

In true Canadian style, the person responsible for the faux pas apologized publicly, saying "We truly feel horrible...Calico was dear to us as both restaurants were owned by the same family...We just hope that no one, especially the Pierce family, holds it against us for too long." 

Well, just minutes later, a response from the family - Barb Pierce wrote, "No worries, all water under the bridge...Looking forward to our next visit to Hopkins!" 

You see what happened there?  A potential perplexing predicament over poutine was solved with a friendly and respectful exchange. 

Only in Canada, eh?