Time for Facebook Friday - our weekly treat.  I find the funnies! 

How about this one?  "COVID took all of the fun out of avoiding people on purpose." 

On a related note, "If you have to wear both mask and glasses, you may be entitled to condensation." 

This guy,  "I have a whole bunch of dead batteries.  Anyone want them?  They're free of charge!" 

That same funny man shares, "I had a job as a calendar maker.  My days were numbered." 

A local pet owner writes, "Why do we name cats if they just ignore us when we call them?" 

Here's a married man who shares, "Fellas, you put the toilet seat down for her but ask yourself, when has she ever left it up for you?  Know your worth." 

And, one more from a fitness enthusiast I follow.  She says, "A shark could swim faster than me, but I could probably run faster than a shark.  So, in a triathlon, it would all come down to who is the better cyclist."