$150,000 might seem like a lofty goal, but with help from local businesses, organizations and generous people from in and around Moose Jaw there's faith that we can reach this goal. 

The 13th annual 800 CHAB Family First Radiothon is officially underway and kicked off Thursday morning at 6 am. The goal for the 2019 radiothon is to raise funds to purchase state of the art equipment for the Dr F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital, more specifically a lithotripsy unit and more anaesthetic machines. 

The lithotripsy equipment will allow for more timely and less painful treatment of patients suffering from stones that can develop in a number of areas such as kidneys, gallbladder, and ureter.  The advanced technology will break up

The 800 CHAB Family First Radiothon total as of 5pm. the 
stone into tiny fragments making them easier to pass and a much more comfortable outcome for patients needing this type of treatment. 

"People's recovery time is way less, the equipment has changed so the surgical procedures go to little incisions instead of big incisions, which helps the patient in so many ways. They're not under anaesthetic as long and they get to go home (earlier) and we all know everybody gets better quicker at home," explained Surgical Integration Leader at the Wigmore Hospital, Judy Wicharuk.

One of the main reasons for having newer and enough anaesthetic machines usually results in less cancelled or delayed surgeries. 

"Especially in critical care settings, it's so important to have equipment that is state of the art, that functions properly and just to serve the public. It just makes everybody's job so much easier," added Lisa Parker, Transition lead for multiple units at the hospital.

"We have four newer anaesthetic machines, one of them though is being used up on the women's unit in the operating room up there, so we're in need of two more anaesthetic machines. They are top of the line, they cover everything, two more anaesthetic machines are desperately needed," said Wigmore Regional nurse Deb Scott.

As the day went on the total increased by roughly $1,000 each hour as at noon the total was around $12,000. This seems like a far stretch from $150,000, however, the radiothon lasts for 36 hours giving people plenty of time to pop by the Dr F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital in person or picking up the phone and making a donation by calling 691-GIVE (4483). 

The radiothon continues until 6 pm on Friday evening. All donations made to the radiothon stay in the community of Moose Jaw as they are given to the Moose Jaw Health Foundation to purchase the new equipment.