Summer is here and many of us are spending hours working to get our yards looking in tip-top shape, but do you ever take a minute to think about the dangers that present themselves in the machine used to maintain your lawn?

"It's something many of us use every week and I think we forget that those machines are intended to cut things," says Dr. Jeff Aramini with Health and Safety Watch.

Aramini says we sometimes take for granted the danger of lawn mowers, "When you think of it, you've got these extremely fast, very sharp blades going around and we often forget because on the surface, the lawn mower is very sterile, it's very clean, we don't see the blades."

Aramini states that children are the victim of roughly half of lawn mower related injuries, "Some of the types of injuries included things like burns, so small children touching things like mufflers.  Worst case scenarios are things like amputations, whether it's a foot or a finger, as well as cuts and bruises."

Some common sense can help you avoid injuries adds Aramini.  He says to always remember to pick up stones and debris on the lawn before cutting.