Do you get regular exercise?  Is it enough to get your heart pumpin'?

Apparently, most of us don't get the kind of exercise we need.

The good folks at ParticipACTION have released a report card on physical activity for Canadians over the age of 18 and, they've graded us.  We got a D for "overall physical activity" and an F for moderate to vigorous activity.

The report found just 16% of Canadians between the ages of 18 and 79 get the recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week.

On the other hand about half of us get at least 7500 steps in every day and that puts us in the "physically active lifestyle" category.

The ParticipACTION report isn't all about the numbers.  They're calling on nursing homes and long-term care facilities to offer more options for exercise and they recommend our health care providers focus on creating a "culture of movement" in our daily lives.

So, we got a D and an F.  What's your grade?