A petition was passed around the city on the weekend as supporters of Ecole Ross School try to let as many people as possible know about the meeting with the Prairie South School Division Monday night.


Emotions will be a real part of a meeting Monday night in Moose Jaw as the Prairie South School Division meets with supporters of Ecole Ross School.

The local school is on the bubble as the school board "reviews" 6 schools including Ross for possible closure of grade reduction. The board is faced with a 5 million-dollar budget deficit and needs to find ways to save money.

If you live in the north east are of the city, you probable got a knock on the door this weekend as supporters of the school went door to door with a petition to save the school.

Tonight's public meeting at Ross School starts at 7 o'clock and the supporters of the school have launched a web site to help those planning to attend get the information that they need.

For more check out Save Ecole Ross School, Save Your School found here on discovermoosejaw.com.