Local children are back in class today, but it isn't business as usual.  

Talks between the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and province remain at a standstill, and the STF has enacted further job action. 

As of Monday morning, STF has announced actions impacting Moose Jaw schools as follows: 


Monday, February 26  

All school divisions in the province will have extracurricular activities withdrawn, impacting such activities before school, over the lunch hour, and after school. 

Prairie South School Division (PSSD) will have noon-hour supervision withdrawn. PSSD sent a letter to parents on February 23rd that asked that parents have their children go home during the lunch hour. 


Tuesday, February 27  

The STF lists Holy Trinity Catholic School Division (HTCSD) as having noon-hour supervision withdrawn, but the division sent a letter to parents on February 24th saying that supervision will be provided by CUPE and non-union staff. 

PSSD will have extracurricular activities withdrawn, impacting such activities before school, over the lunch hour, and after school.  


Wednesday, February 28  

Sanctions announced for this day are not set to impact HTCSD or PSSD, but extracurricular activities will be withdrawn from all Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre campuses, including Moose Jaw. 


Thursday, February 29 

Sanctions announced for this day are not set to impact Moose Jaw area schools.


The STF has said that they’re looking for the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee to be given a renewed mandate from the provincial government that includes articles to deal with class complexity before they return to the table.  

The Ministry of Education has said their negotiators are at the bargaining table at any time and has pointed to $53.1 million in funding for class size and complexity outside of the collective bargaining agreement, in a memorandum of understanding. 

We will have more information as this story progresses.