After the tragic accident of the 5 year old that died in Toronto while being picked up from school, its a sad reminder why we should stay aware in school zones.

During recess, kids might be so focused on one thing that they don't realize what's going on around them. They may have their ball roll onto the road, and instead of focusing on traffic and going when its safe, some kids may just want their ball back and try to grab it as fast as they can. So, its very important for motorists to obey the school zone speed limits and be aware of their surroundings.

After school, many kids and parents are rushing to get home or their extra curricular activities. Luckily, most parents realize that they must stay aware after school, and it does help to have safety patrollers around.

"We have a lot of great parents here and it's really been a nice environment for that. I think that the safety patrol just helps keep that safety visual," said King George's Vice Principal, Eric Campbell. "When you see the safety patrols out it helps to remind everyone that this is a school zone and it is important that we are being safe around our kids. That's one of the great things about safety patrols, it helps keep it visible."

Safety patrollers can be spotted after school with their yellow vests and stop signs at certain intersections to help kids cross the street.

The important thing is to stay safe and stay aware in school zones, especially around schools like King George, which have their school grounds surrounded by roads.