As residents of Saskatchewan begin to venture outdoors, they are being reminded to be aware of their interactions with wildlife. 

Spring is in full swing in the province and while enjoying the outdoors residents are likely to cross paths with wildlife, particularly young animals.  

While young animals may appear to need assistance or have been abandoned, the best thing one can do is appreciate them from a distance and leave them be. 

It is likely that the parent of the young animal is either away searching for food or has been scared away by the presence of humans, unless the parent has been found dead near the baby, it is likely that the adult will return shortly after you leave. 

It is noted that interactions with humans are the greatest threat to the wellbeing of wildlife and can greatly decrease their odds of survival. 

There are dangers posed to humans that interact with wildlife, serious diseases such as rabies and West Nile Virus are easily transmitted from infected animals to humans. 

If a young animal has remained in the same spot for several hours, is vocal, wet or covered in insects, or the mother is found dead nearby, the best course of action is to contact those who are licensed and trained to care for orphaned animals correctly.  

It is illegal to take wild animals home, even those who appear to be in distress. 

If you can see obvious signs of injury or believe the animal has been orphaned, please contact your local conservation officer or the Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP) line at 1-800-667-7561.