The Harmony Arts Program is starting a children's theatre group that will include two summer day camps.

The camps will take place July 13-17 and Aug. 4-8 at the Moose Jaw Alliance Church, with instruction from Jan Nelson and Kelsey Warren.

Once registered for the camp, the kids will be given a time for a video audition over Zoom where they can perform a few lines from their favourite movie, past plays, or tell a story or joke.

"We are doing that because it adds to the experience for the kids in performing a play. It also helps them understand the process of theatre and building that confidence with public speaking." Nelson said.

Once camp begins, the kids will learn expressions, building confidence, and the different aspects of theatre.

Nelson said there will be some limitations, such as no singing, because of the COVID-19 restrictions.

"The kids will be focusing more on rhythm, choreography, movement. We will be spacing the kids two metres apart and working in a circle facing each other with distance between them."

Camp participants will also learn about blocking as they work towards putting together a 30-minute play to perform at the end of the week.

More information on how to register can be found on the Harmony Arts Program Facebook page and their website.

Nelson said they came up with the idea of having a children's theatre group in February, but the COVID-19 pandemic put plans on pause.

With the province now starting to open back up, the day camps are just the first step for the group.

Nelson said their goal is to eventually put on a musical. The program has bought the rights to perform Aladdin Junior with the understanding tehy can put off production if they need to.

She added they are still hopeful they can perform the play but are looking at aspects to do it safely such as pre-recorded singing and costumes that can act as a mask or face covering.