Following up on a story from Monday...the Moose Jaw Fire Department has proposed a graduated fining system for false-alarm calls (first nuisance alarm/no fire = free; second nuisance alarm/no fire = free; third nuisance alarm/no fire = $300 fine; fourth or greater nuisance alarm/no fire = $500) because the fire department receives so many false-alarm calls that they've become a problem.

Because the National Fire Code or Building Codes are not readily available to businesses or individuals, along with a fining system, Schedule C of the Bylaw No. 5070 amendment would include "more exacting" examples or information of items that require more clarity. Examples include blowlamps and the storage or accumulation of hay, straw or other combustible material.

The Moose Jaw City Fire Department is encouraging resident feedback - IN WRITING - on this issue.

The current Fire Prevention Bylaw No. 5070 can be viewed here.

The Fire Prevention Bylaw No. 5070, including the proposed revisions, can be found here.

Submit feedback to either Fire Chief Montgomery ( or Deputy Fire Chief Mike Russell ( before Wednesday, January 3rd, 2019. 

All feedback will be presented to Moose Jaw City Council for consideration.